Mina Kirkova, MA, MSW, LCSW-C              

Counseling and Therapy for Children, Adolescents, & Adults

in Phoenix/Jacksonville, Maryland



3009 Jackson Ridge Ct. Phoenix, MD, 21131


(443) 322-6552




ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Stress, Mindfulness, Meditation,  School Underachievement, Organizational Skills, Time Mngt., Phobias, Grief, Loss, Depression, Emotional Dysregulation, Self-Confidence, Bullying, Social Skills, Assertiveness, Sibling Rivalry, Disciplining Issues, Anger, Arguing, Rebelliousness , Lying​




Narrative therapy rests on two underlying principles: a) all human thought and behavior exist in cultural contexts that give them particular meaning and significance and b) people’s view of the world is shaped through a complex, generally unconscious processes, of sifting through experiences and selecting those that are most consistent with the story one holds of oneself. In other words, narrative therapy holds that narratives or stories shape a person’s identity and life. The stories create beliefs about ourselves that then shape our actions.


Find out more about Narrative Therapy:




Suggested Readings:

Maps of Narrative Practice

by Michael White

Narrative Therapy: The Social Construction of Preferred Realities

by Gene Combs